
Cooperation with Zwolnieni z Teorii Foundation

During the Grand Finale of the next edition of the Olympics held by Zwolnieni z Teorii, as many as four projects operating under the “MOYA Polska” partnership programme, received the highest awards – “Złote Wilki”. “Retro Maków” initiative from Maków Mazowiecki, “Aport!” from Siedlce, “Terrain Story” from Katowice and „PODpunkt” from Starogard Gdański, all turned out to be the best in their categories. A total of 2.5 thousand students from all over Poland took part in the Grand Finale of Zwolnieni z Teorii. 

Zwolnieni z Teorii is a project that aims, on the one hand, to activate students and educate them through practice, and on the other – to act for the benefit of local communities. As part of its corporate social responsibility policy, Anwim S.A., the owner of the MOYA petrol stations, established cooperation with the Zwolnieni z Teorii foundation, creating a partnership programme called “MOYA Polska”, under which students were guided through the implementation of their own social projects. Selected initiatives received content-related and inspirational support from Anwim S.A. experts who were at the disposal of the teams, actively participating in their work.

During the Grand Finale of the annual Olympics held by Zwolneni z Teorii, as many as four projects carried out under “MOYA Polska” project received the highest distinctions, “Złote Wilki”, and three “Srebrne Wilki” [Silver Wolves], for the best projects in individual Voivodeships. 

The “Terrain Story” project from Katowice, which is a series of field games based on QR codes, and the “PODpunkt” project from Starogard Gdański, which aims to increase social awareness in the subject of renewable energy sources, were awarded in the “Urban space” category. In the “Local community” category, the award went to the “Retro Maków” project (Maków Mazowiecki), which focuses on the promotion of vocational education. While the Siedlce based “Aport!” initiative was established to educate the public about caring for homeless animals and supporting shelters. 

As part of the “MOYA Polska” partnership programme for secondary school students, 55 projects were carried out on the broadly understood subject of local activity. 20 of them received mentoring support from 14 Anwim S.A. experts.

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