
MOYA planted over 24 thousand trees

On 26 October 2017, volunteers from Anwim S.A., operator of the MOYA petrol station network, carried out, in cooperation with foresters, the works aiming to restore forests after the 2017 hurricane. As part of the joint project, more than 24 thousand beech seedlings will be planted in the area of approx. 3 ha of the Runowo Forest District (Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship). 

Even today, more than five years after the huge storms that devastated forests in several dozen forest districts, mainly in Pomerania and Kujawy, huge losses can be seen, especially in Bory Tucholskie region. The devastated forest area was 1.5 times larger than Warsaw – over 10 million m3 of trees were broken. Anwim S.A. joined the reforestation process and, together with the State Forests, began on 26 October 2021, afforestation works covering the area of 3 hectares – ultimately planting over 24,000 trees, beech trees mainly. 

By planting forests, Anwim is pursuing corporate social responsibility and sustainable development activities, and encourages employees and customers of the MOYA petrol station network to act for the environment. The action is also a result of the Anwim S.A.’s idea of green office.
We develop Anwim S.A. within shared values, with particular emphasis on sustainable growth. We want to have a positive impact on the environment, care for the natural environment and promote a sustainable lifestyle. Let the idea of the green office, which manifests itself in the prudent use of resources (including water, paper, and energy), segregating waste, reducing the number of prints in offices, be the example. At MOYA stations, we serve coffee which sale – thanks to the cooperation with the WLT foundation – supports rainforests, we use wooden cutlery, the bread we use to make our dishes is free from unnecessary preservatives – it has Clean Label certificates, and we offer our own brand juices in glass bottles. The volunteer campaign, in which we planted 70 trees for each existing MOYA station (we planted over 24,000 seedlings in total), is one of our many activities for sustainable growth.
Monika Ostaszewska, Marketing Manager at Anwim S.A.
Anwim company joins the activities and actively participates in information and education campaigns for environmental protection. We assemble photovoltaic panels at our new network stations. Photovoltaics is a dynamically developing technology and the MOYA petrol station network wants to benefit for it on a larger scale, so as to effectively minimise the purchase of energy from the grid. All the energy used at Anwim S.A. owned MOYA stations comes from green sources.
We believe that there is great potential laying in small steps towards a better future, so in the coming years, we will pursue activities aimed at minimising the negative impact on the natural environment.
Monika Ostaszewska, Marketing Manager at Anwim S.A.

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